Educational Value of Films
A film these days has proved to be most popular source of entertainment and education. After a day’s hard work when a person sits before T.V or pays a visit to Cinema for watching film of his choice, he forgets the boredom and fatigue of the day and feels refreshed. The representation of delightful scenes, stories and songs on the screen provided as a person with welcome diversion from failgue of humdrum existence after watching films one has at a time feeling that the time and money spent on film is better used. The film is pleasant universal teacher. It combines entertainment with instruction. Its share in shaping and educating the public mind in different branches of learning is certainly inestimable. An educationist wrote “As an instrument of teaching. I believe, the cinematography has immense possibilities. It may often make an appeal to children whose interest and imagination are not easily reached by the written or spoken word. Young mind is like photographic plate and I b...