
Showing posts from April, 2013

Educational Value of Films

A film these days has proved to be most popular source of entertainment and education. After a day’s hard work when a person sits before T.V or pays a visit to Cinema for watching film of his choice, he forgets the boredom and fatigue of the day and feels refreshed. The representation of delightful scenes, stories and songs on the screen provided as a person with welcome diversion from failgue of humdrum existence after watching films one has at a time feeling that the time and money spent on film is better used. The film is pleasant universal teacher. It combines entertainment with instruction. Its share in shaping and educating the public mind in different branches of learning is certainly inestimable. An educationist wrote “As an instrument of teaching. I believe, the cinematography has immense possibilities. It may often make an appeal to children whose interest and imagination are not easily reached by the written or spoken word. Young mind is like photographic plate and I b...

The Advantages of University Education (Essay)

In view of the numerous baffling problems of our country. Universities have a very vital and significant role to play. The real prosperity of a country depends not on the abundance of its revenues, not on the strength of its fortification, not on the beauty of its public buildings but it consist in its seats of learning, in its cultivated citizens in its men of education, enlightenment and character it is the scholars and thinkers not the merchants and soldiers that make or mar the destiny of a country. “Destiny of a nation” remarks Dr; Annie Bassant is folded with in the budding youth as is the flower with in the close embrace of the petals.  That what our youths think today the nation will think tomorrow. Again the famous saying of Jesus comes to our mind “Give me the children of the country, I will not bother about what happens to the rest so long we are able to impart a good education to our children in schools and colleges, we need not despair of bright future of our cou...

Islam and Democracy (ESSAY)

Democracy is a form of government in which supremacy power is vested in the people collectively, and it is administered by them through elected representatives or the officers appointed by them. About democracy Abraham Lincoln said democracy is Government of the people, for the people and by the people. In practice the political behaviour of the people depends on the idea of what democracy is and what it should be. The soul of real democracy is moral responsibility real justice and social economic equality for all people. Irrespective of their party or group associations and inclinations. In this sense there is no democracy in this country. Here democracy is not for the whole nation  but only for the party in power. We are living in the most confused age of democracy. The elected representatives simply raise their hands and follow the whims of the leaders of the majority party without weighing right and wrong or blindly follow party manifest without caring for the common ...

Essay on A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

A little learning wrote Pope ‘is dangerous thing’. We can be much amused; when we remember that Pope himself understood to translate Homer without knowing much Greek. Who could have known the pitfalls of a little knowledge better than he? So when he goes on to say in the next line ‘Drink deep’ or taste not the pierian spring the thought has been used for certain ironical appositeness. We live in the age of superficiality every one wants to show that he is learned yet even he is shallow. The methods of showing that one is learned are interesting. One of them is to ignore all that other know. Another is to ignore the common place and concentrates on something odd and out of the way. If somebody begins to discuss Jan Eyre our Wathering heights say that you prefer the tenant o wild fell Hall. In this way you will easily acquire reputation for profound learning is the pitfall in to which the journalist in particular always falls. He must write airily of odd and remote in order to canc...

The Impact of Different TV Channels on Our Young Generation

In the advanced countries of the world TV is considered and sued as sophisticated instrument of instructions and teaching. Demonstrations and experiments on the TV impart a practical touch to the teaching and propagation of science after watching programmers, students sit together carry on panel discussions and prepare for examinations and tests. All education from TV is possible and depends on the attitude of student. The theory of the greatest good of the greatest number does not apply in Pakistan and because very approach is wrong. Every programme telecasted on TV has purpose. Since in our country the purpose of TV is only entertain the people. In our country the TV channels are not effective, so many people and young generation of our country watch different channels of different countries of the world. The purpose of these channels is promote foreign culture among the young of Pakistan . English channels mostly telecast programmes of thrill, horror and sex. These programmes...

Role of Student for the Improvement of Standard of Education

Education means training for life. It should aim at to develop discriminative knowledge or wisdom. Education stands for training, up bringing development of human personality through three fold culture-physical mental and moral. But teachers pay more attention to the completion or running through the syllabi them to the human culture. Such as mechanical teaching has gone a long way in lowering the standard of education and erosion of personality of the students. For correct analysis of the falling standard of education in the country, we will have to examine the whole education system in the country and its management. There are three major cogs in the machinery of education i.e. the teachers, the students and the syllabus. Its smooth running and improvement depends on these factors. Teacher play the most important and practical role in improvement of education. The quality and worth of the teachers determine the quality of education. Some one has said “Give me good teachers ...

Knowledge is Power (Essay)

Bacon the great essayist was not way wrong in his opinion when he said that “Knowledge is source of power to man”. It is as true today as it was in the past. In fact it is knowledge that distinguishes man from animals. Man is physically weaker than many animals. He can not see as for as an eagle; he can not run as fast an panther his sense of smell is weaker than of dog. He can not carry heavy loads as some beasts of burden do. He can not fight lions and tiger with his bare hands. Yet he has managed to become the most powerful creature on the earth. His power comes from knowledge not from physical strength. Man has the ability to acquire knowledge, preserve it and pass it on to the coming generations. This has given him the power to control the forces of nature and use them for his benefit. It is however necessary for mankind to use the knowledge and power wisely, we can create a better and safer world than the world today. Knowledge and power alone can not bring happiness to m...

to Islam is the only Solution of Our Social Economic Political and Culture Problem

Form this elevated position he seeks to mould the world according to his whims and fancies. But the “Brave New World” he has created driven an ordinary human being in to profound disillusionment. In spite of unprecedented technologies advancement and overall material development the condition of man remains highly unsettled. He sees the powerful subjugating the weak, the rich dominating the poor, the have nots arrayed against the have’s he sees the injustice and exploitation at national and international levels, he see disintegration of the family alienation of individuals, even from himself, and he sees the abuse of trust and authority in all spheres. Although he has shown his ability to fly in the air like the birds and to swim in the sea like the fishes, but he has failed to show his ability to live on the earth as good human being. His failure here brings in to doubt his capability to conduct his affairs in society.  Man finds himself caught in dilemma he believes that he...

The Yellow Journalism and Its Negative Effect on the Society (Essay)

Journalism is the profession which is related with print media and newspaper. The newspaper is very important in the life of a civilized nation. It is the medium through which public opinion is expressed. It circulates news and views in which different classes of people are interested. The newspapers not only publish news but they are mouth piece of the people. They mould and mend public opinion through them the inarticulate dumb masses ventilate their ideas and sentiments, express their grievances and by revealing their emotions of admiration and obligation, prayer for the necessary action from their rule. The press is the mightiest weapons of the people against their oppressive government. It is the true guardian for their rights. As Bertrand Russell Says “The journalist holds up on umbrella protecting society from the fiery hail of conscience. In the opinion of Robert Lynda: he is a teacher, a reformer and a critic. His pen exercise an effective check on the vagaries of man in p...

Nothing is Impossible in the World (Essay)

When we takes up many things in hand and fail in the most of them we bewail our lot and try to console by saying that we were fated to achieve this and fail in that. But fate is a figment of man’s imagination, it is refuge only for those who are cowardly and lack in determination. Because nothing is impossible in the world. Man is architect of his own fate. He can make himself if he has the will. He can also mar himself if he wavers and submits to opposing forces. A man of determination never fails. His unshaken determination coupled with this unflinching endeavour carries him to the goal and makes him thoroughly successful man. But a man who trembles of every step and has no confidence in himself, can never reach the goal and dies an inglorious death. Robert Bruce could never have regained his mother land from clutches of the enemy if he submitted to the so called fate and gave up the attempts. If Mahmood Ghaznavi has lost the hope, he could not have conquered the Somnath temple...