The Impact of Different TV Channels on Our Young Generation

In the advanced countries of the world TV is considered and sued as sophisticated instrument of instructions and teaching. Demonstrations and experiments on the TV impart a practical touch to the teaching and propagation of science after watching programmers, students sit together carry on panel discussions and prepare for examinations and tests. All education from TV is possible and depends on the attitude of student. The theory of the greatest good of the greatest number does not apply in Pakistan and because very approach is wrong.

Every programme telecasted on TV has purpose. Since in our country the purpose of TV is only entertain the people. In our country the TV channels are not effective, so many people and young generation of our country watch different channels of different countries of the world. The purpose of these channels is promote foreign culture among the young of Pakistan. English channels mostly telecast programmes of thrill, horror and sex. These programmes corrupt the young generation of our country. Instead of learning moral values they are interested in spying fighting and following western values. 

The English films are of no use for our youth. Then there are Indian channels they are interested in promoting Hindu culture and customs. These Indian channels have also left negative impression on the morals of our young generation. By watching these channels our youth has learnt the language of Indians. Now Hindi words are being used instead of our native words. All the Indians channels are being used for political and cultural propagation. Bit by bit our young generation is coming under the influence of Hindi culture customs and norms. On the political ground Indians are misguiding our new generation it is trying to prove that the Kashmiris who are fighting for their right of self-determination and terrorist not freedom fighter. 

Under the invasion of Indian culture our young generation is going to forget their heroes how their heroes and ideals are Shahrukh, Ajay and such other film stars. Now centers of Islamic culture are not their ideal place but they want to see Mumbai and Goa. A part from it our young generation has forget the folk songs now they are singing and dancing on the rhythm of Indian and English songs.

It is clear from above stated facts that over all the effect of different TV channels are very bad. These channels have spoiled our young generation.


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