Role of Student for the Improvement of Standard of Education
Education means
training for life. It should aim at to develop discriminative knowledge or
wisdom. Education stands for training, up bringing development of human
personality through three fold culture-physical mental and moral. But teachers
pay more attention to the completion or running through the syllabi them to the
human culture. Such as mechanical teaching has gone a long way in lowering the
standard of education and erosion of personality of the students.
For correct
analysis of the falling standard of education in the country, we will have to
examine the whole education system in the country and its management. There are
three major cogs in the machinery of education i.e. the teachers, the students
and the syllabus. Its smooth running and improvement depends on these factors.
Teacher play the
most important and practical role in improvement of education. The quality and
worth of the teachers determine the quality of education. Some one has said
“Give me good teachers and I shall give you good nation”.
In our country
teachers do not exert themselves or do their best, neglect their duties, do not
take the classes regularly and simply care to complete the course, connive with
student in undesirable activities, shut their eyes to character building and
even help the students in the examination or by influencing the assessment.
Naturally students follow the line of least resistance and do not pay serious
attention to their studies.
After teacher
the second human factors in education is the student. Do doubt God has created
man in the best image and blessed him with countless, but he is spoiled by
environment and take sin vice more easily than virule. The existing
socio-political climate is largely responsible for spoiling and misguiding the
students. All education is possible through two-eye curiosity and desire. If
the tools are blunt the best work man can not produce good results. So is the
case of education. Teachers can not produce good results if the students are
indolent, un-ambitious and indiscipline then the standard and quality of
education will not improve.
The main reason
for decreasing standard of education is growing tendency of copying and using
unfair means on the examination by students. They approach and pressurize the
examiners for getting good marks. Examinations have become a more test of
dishonesty and sue of unfair means than of attainments and proficiency. It
won’t be a wrong statement if it is said that majority of students pass by
using unfair means even in the professional examinations of Medical and
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