Educational Value of Films
A film these
days has proved to be most popular source of entertainment and education. After
a day’s hard work when a person sits before T.V or pays a visit to Cinema for
watching film of his choice, he forgets the boredom and fatigue of the day and
feels refreshed. The representation of delightful scenes, stories and songs on
the screen provided as a person with welcome diversion from failgue of humdrum
existence after watching films one has at a time feeling that the time and
money spent on film is better used.
The film is
pleasant universal teacher. It combines entertainment with instruction. Its
share in shaping and educating the public mind in different branches of
learning is certainly inestimable. An educationist wrote “As an instrument of
teaching. I believe, the cinematography has immense possibilities. It may often
make an appeal to children whose interest and imagination are not easily
reached by the written or spoken word. Young mind is like photographic plate
and I believe the deepest impressions are received by it through the eyes”.
There are indeed many educational films. In Pakistan we do not see many of them
but in western countries the school going children are shown these films
Theya re taught many interesting things about natural history,
botany, chemistry, geography and other branches of learning in attractive
manner. Then there are documentary or topical films that keep us in touch with
events of the world in general and those of our country in particulars. Such
films increase the scope of our knowledge and broaden the range of our learning.
No amount of book of knowledge can enlighten us about foreign ideals and
institutions, scenes and sight as does the enjoyment of documentary films.
Travelling is costly, hazardous sometimes prohibited by personal reasons but all
of us can enjoy this sitting on an arm chair travelling while watching film.
Now we are in a street of New York , then in a park of Tokyo ,
now we see the rolling floods of Mississippi ,
then the burning sands of sahra, now we have the explosion of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki then
the earthquakes of San Francisco .
Films representing foreign life and manners teach us a great truth that despite
all the differences of caste, Colour and creed human nature is essentially the
same all over the green globe. They elevate our thoughts and promote a healthy
spirits of international understanding and co-operation which is so badly
needed at present. It has often been said that one of the potent causes of
international misunderstanding, hot and cold war is that people of different countries
do not have the means to appreciate and understand each other adequately. We
are all familiar now a day with the international exchanges of students and
professors permanent culture establishments in foreign countries tourists
information bureaus and hundreds of good will missions. There can be no wrong
that the total effect of all activities in establishment mutual inhalation
understanding and paving the way for permanent world peace is very great. But
none can be effective as motion pictures. No wonder therefore that all modern
states regard the film industry as key industry that has to be preserved and
fostered at all costs.
For educative purpose
film producers should exploit for film purpose themselves of real adventure and
heroism, first rate stories of classical mythology, historical subject and
plots from literacy master pieces. Short films on scientific, historical,
commercial and literary subjects ought to be produced in large numbers for
school going children.
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