The Yellow Journalism and Its Negative Effect on the Society (Essay)

Journalism is the profession which is related with print media and newspaper. The newspaper is very important in the life of a civilized nation. It is the medium through which public opinion is expressed. It circulates news and views in which different classes of people are interested.
The newspapers not only publish news but they are mouth piece of the people. They mould and mend public opinion through them the inarticulate dumb masses ventilate their ideas and sentiments, express their grievances and by revealing their emotions of admiration and obligation, prayer for the necessary action from their rule. The press is the mightiest weapons of the people against their oppressive government. It is the true guardian for their rights. As Bertrand Russell Says “The journalist holds up on umbrella protecting society from the fiery hail of conscience. In the opinion of Robert Lynda: he is a teacher, a reformer and a critic. His pen exercise an effective check on the vagaries of man in power. The government would be less responsible, the judges less honest and police less efficient if there be no journals and newspapers to criticize their conduct. The press is therefore great mentor which stands against the misuse of power and miscarriage of justice.

In fact it is the press that governs the current of ideas in a country and controls the course of social and political events. Now a days it is better to say that people who control the press really govern the country. The masses react to the press suggestion as a herd of cattle obeys the shepherd. The public opinion as some one says swings like a pendulum in the clock of newspapers.

But like every other institution of human making the system of newspaper is also attended by peculiar evils and short comings of its own. The news papers which create sensation and thrill by publishing unauthentic news and articles are the part and parcel of yellow journalism. We know that the press is as much a passion –rousers as it is peace maker. With full perversion of facts, prejudice of caste and creed and malicious propagandas are the evils that go to defeat that noble aim of news papers. The people who are involved in such profession are not serving the nation but they are busy in destroying the peace and harmony of people. By publishing sensational news that play with the emotions of people. No doubt by doing so the increase the circulation of their paper but in total sum it is harmful for the national unity and journalist does not render any service to the nation but they play as puppets in the hands of wasted interest of people. Sometimes yellow journalism creates panic in the country and some times some articles bring about a clash between rival parties. More over especially when newspapers are party organs they give wrong opinions.

People involved in yellow journalism always make mansions and bank balances by black mailing the influential. They collect monthlies from corrupt officials and criminals for not publishing news against them. In our country many journalists are involved in such activities. This glamour of yellow journalism has attracted many criminals and corrupt people towards journalism. Now honest persons of press are being seen as useless persons. But yellow journalists are being counted efficient persons.

Yellow journalism is harmful for nation as well as democracy and people’s rights. If we want prosperous Pakistan we should discourage yellow journalism.


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