Islam and Democracy (ESSAY)

Democracy is a form of government in which supremacy power is vested in the people collectively, and it is administered by them through elected representatives or the officers appointed by them. About democracy Abraham Lincoln said democracy is Government of the people, for the people and by the people.

In practice the political behaviour of the people depends on the idea of what democracy is and what it should be. The soul of real democracy is moral responsibility real justice and social economic equality for all people. Irrespective of their party or group associations and inclinations. In this sense there is no democracy in this country. Here democracy is not for the whole nation  but only for the party in power.

We are living in the most confused age of democracy. The elected representatives simply raise their hands and follow the whims of the leaders of the majority party without weighing right and wrong or blindly follow party manifest without caring for the common and collective good. The elections are so expensive that only rich can afford to fight the election and use all fair and foul means to win. In such limited democracy only particulars families dominate the national politics.

All these ideas and practices are against the spirit and teachings of Islam. The glaring flaw of western democracy is the source of real power or authority. In modern democracy all power belongs to people. They choose their representatives for a certain period or term, who make the laws. There is no control of the electorate on the legislative functions. The party in power tries to enforce new policies and new laws. Thus there is no socio-economic stability and peace. Party system also breeds regionalism and factions and justice is sacrificed at the alter of political expediency and convenience. Thus the whole order becomes corrupt and invites authoritative rule. We had the worst experience during last fifty years.

All these things are not fit in the Islamic order-Islam gives a complete code of life. In Islam politics can not be separated from region. Unlike Christianity that has created Sunday attitude towards religion, Islam covers the whole life and activities of man from cradle to grave. Islam means being at peace with one self, the world and the God. It aims at establishing an equilibrium between the two aspects of life the spiritual and the material.

In Islam all sovereignty belongs to Allah and power to rule is a Holy trust. It is not the legislative that makes laws, for all laws are given in the Holy Quran the world of God. These laws are not for time being but they are for all times. Parliament has no right to change the priorities laid down in the God’s book nor can it finish or suspends the right granted by the Quran and Shariat.

In the Holy Quran there is no reference to any political system. God has sent his messengers to guide humanity in the all walks of life. Last messenger sent to us for guidance is Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) he was prophet as well as head of the state. After him Caliphs occupied the throne. Holy Prophet laid the foundation of Islamic state on the basis of Islamic democracy in which all decisions are made in consultation with leading citizens of the Islamic state. That system was followed by four pious Caliphs every decision regarding peace or war made by making consultation with leading citizens of the state. In Islamic state all citizens were equal and enjoyed equal rights Zakat system was introduced in order to help the poor needy citizens of the republic.

Islam stand for true democracy social justice, equality, equitable distribution of wealth, regard for individual rights, eradication of nepotism and favouritism, bribery and hoarding, safety and respect for human life and properly irrespective of class religion or party, for peace right of worship according to faith and brotherhood the last sermon of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) is the Magna Carta of human rights the gist of democracy.


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