Poverty Alleviation from the Country - English Essay

The contemporary world is grappling with the menace of poverty incessantly. Despite dissensions and differences in all major areas of concern poverty has shocked the globe into unity. To counter this every tightening noose of poverty the comity of nations lays increasing emphasis on “Good Governance” and “Sustainable Human Development” thus tackling the issue Vertically and Horizontally. Sustainable Human Development focuses itself on short term as well as long term objectives meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of the future generation. Thus “Good Governance” at all tiers, coupled with sustainable out look of all policies and actions can serve a panacea to the oldest evil haunting mankind i.e. poverty. However, despite growing global concern and consciousness of phenomenon of poverty the chasm between haves and have-nots is widening at a fast pace. This has left vast pockets in Asia and Africa craving for the basic necessities of life while the developed west abounds in surplus.

South Asia being the most populous region in the world is the most malnourished region having the lower literacy rate coupled with the worst health care infrastructure. According to UNDP report and World Bank Report 2000-2001 out of 1.3 billion people living below the poverty line across the globe 550 million happen to be South Asians.

Pakistan is a developing country facing the course of poverty since its inception. Presently there is an acute shortage of energy, natural resources and food items. Industrial and agricultural growth is on the decline. Climate of investment is bleak.

A large chunk of budgetary allocation is drained out by unproductive, non-development expenditure like deficit financing and defence. Inequitable distribution of fruits of economic growth is a norm. 80% of labour market gets less than one dollar per day, 40% have no access to sanitation and clean water, and 40% people have an intake of less than 2000 calories a day – an indicator of widespread malnutrition. All these indicators of poverty point to an increasing poverty base in Pakistan. And still this 7th most populous country, with 160 million population has 1/3rd of its inhabitants living in absolute poverty as revealed in Human Development in South Asia and World Bank Reports 2001. Further more Pakistan policies with their short term myopic tendencies do not anger well for the future generation while the world hankers after “Sustainable Human Development’. Pakistan promises “Sustainable Human Degeneration”. Pakistan is relatively poor in relation to its GNP, per capita growth rates and population growth rate when it is compared with other nations of South Asia. Let us understand the concept of poverty that what is it? Poverty can be viewed in different dimensions. It may be either “Relative Poverty” or “Absolute Poverty”. Poverty may be of money lessness or it may be of powerlessness.

Absolute Poverty which is lack of “means” in relation to “needs” of poor people. Absolute poverty includes following indicators.

1. Minimum Needs 2. Food Expenditures 3. Nutrition Level 4. Poverty Line 5. Basic Needs Relative Poverty lack of “means” of the individual groups or community in relation to “means” of another individual group or community. This is also called Inequality.

As far as Poverty of Moneylessness is concerned it is not having enough medium of exchange to buy elementary human needs. It varies from one society to another. These needs are acquired differently in different cultures. Poverty as Powerlessness is lack of power over one’s own destiny. In a less developed country like Pakistan poverty as powerlessness is the vital aspect of poverty of powerlessness. People don’t have the power or freedom of choice because their income level is very low that they hardly make both ends meet. First of all we shall dig out the causes of poverty in Pakistan then the measures. These causes can be categorised into economic, non economic and political categories.

Economic and non-economic causes are poor industrialization strategy, Progressive Taxation Structure, Low literacy Rate, and social evils like corruption. The political causes include inconsistency of government policy, non participation of middle class in political process and break ups in democratic system. It is suggested that serious and concerted efforts should be made to redress the ultimate issue of poverty in Pakistan both at micro and macro-levels. Different Governments have adopted various strategies for poverty alleviation. Presently government of Pakistan has adopted a strategy in November 2001 to reduce poverty. The claim of strategy is to provide an integrated focus on a diverse set of factors that impact poverty and to meet the twin challenges of reviving broad based equitable growth and reducing poverty.

The Poverty Reduction Strategy of the Government of Pakistan is now based on the following pillars.

(a) Accelerating economic growth and maintaining macro-economic stability. (b) Investing in human capital. (c) Augmenting targeted interventions. (d) Expanding social safety nets. (e) Improving governance.

Statistical data in Economic Survey of Pakistan 2003 clearly shows that except all the policies and strategies, which have been adopted by the Government of Pakistan, there is an increase in the incidence of poverty in the most recent years. According to the new official poverty line it is inferred that the incidence of poverty has declined between 1986-87 to 1990-91, falling from 29% to 26%, subsequently the trend in poverty was reversed. Between 1992-93 and 2000-2001 poverty increased by about 5% points to 32% with the biggest jump in poverty taking in 1993-94. One of the key reasons for the rise in poverty in 2000-2001 has been crippling draught which severely damaged Pakistan’s agriculture. Political interest of the politicians, misuse of resources, absence of good governance, lack of transparency and accountability are also some other key reasons hidden in the way of poverty alleviation.

The following serious and concreted efforts should be suggested to redress the issue of poverty in Pakistan.

i) A process of “Good Governance” should be initiated which should aim at the development and prosperity of the governed especially poverty stricken portion. ii) Employment opportunities should be provided to the public so that economy can be stabilized. iii) The concept of optimum population should also be adopted. iv) All attractive packages should be allocated and spent on human development.

The government should ensure equal distribution of the fruits of economic growth of the country and should provide opportunities to the people to participate in decision – making process. This can generate and enhance income levels which will ultimately help them to break this vicious circle of poverty in Pakistan.


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