Female Education (Essay)

Both the progress and prosperity of country depends on the education. Education makes people civilized, cultured and law abiding. Education is essential for democracy. In the words of the great philosopher Aristotle “to neglect the education of the young ones, is to weaken the constitution of the country” the present political chaos in the country is the direct result of lack of proper education.

Education is equally important for the boys and girls. Basically education is universal need, rather right of every citizen, keeping in view the requirements and conditions in a developing country like Pakistan, we need greater number of educated manpower. We badly need more scientist, more mathematicians more engineers and technicians and more doctors for building the country on modern lines. Our greatest and dire needs of the time are to build up and strengthen our defences. For a strong, stable and prosperous Pakistan, we require educated, honest, devoted and dedicated young persons.

As stated above education is an equal right of male and female. Girls are said to be light of the home. If they are educated they will carry the light where ever they go. The percentage of education in Pakistan is hardly 25%. It is very low as compared to that of other SAARC countries especially Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The educated female’s percentage in our country is about ten percent. It is evident from the number of boys and girls educational institutions in the country. The major population the 70% living in the villages is completely neglected.

If we want to have a harmonous growth female education is to be given due importance in the national planning schemes. More girls schools and colleges are to be opened all over country, primary must be made free and compulsory both for boys and girls. More share is to be allotted for the purpose in the national budget. Special attention to be paid to teachers training because teachers are builders of the nation.

If the girls are educated, they can prove better mothers and wives. As Napoleon Bonapart said “Give me an educated mother. I will give you educated nation”. Mothers can educate the children and have great influence on them. They can reach them respect for the superiors, the teachers and laws of the country educated women are good housewives and better halves. They manage the house well, look after the comforts and health of the family. If they are educated and religious minded, they can help in improving the moral tone of the society. It is a dire need of the time. They can block the swelling current of public corruption. They can inculcate love for goodness, truth and justice among the youths the future citizens.

The women should acquire education for the sake of enlightenment and knowledge and not for competing their counter parts men. It results in social problems like late marriages, unsuitable matches, problem of unemployment. Female factors in services have closed the doors of employment of many able men. Instead of veying with men and assailing the masculine fields, they should help and co-ordinate with males in the best interest of the society and the country. Our duties and responsibilities to men and women. They can best serve the nation by following the percept. Let the will of God prevail upon the will of the believers. There lies true emancipation for women.


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