What is Nature of Statistics

Statistics is a scientific method of doing things; it should not be thought of a subject correlative with physics, chemistry, economics and sociology, it is not a science but it is purely a scientific method. In order to understand the nature of statistics, we must look at it as we see that statistics is not mathematics just as Accounting is not mathematics, although the statistical methods are basically mathematical.

In the modern world phenomena are many and various, such as Chemical, Physical, Biological, Geographical, Social, Psychological, Economic, Business, etc. Each of these phenomena has its own peculiarities, characteristics and problems. For studying any phenomena for some practical purposes, some method is required. There are various statistical methods that can be used in studying certain phenomena in order to enable the people to understand how the problems raised and how it can be prevented if the need arises. 

The nature of the statistics is understood from what kind of scientific method that is. It is a scientific method by which the statistician collects facts, classify facts by their mutual relation and describe their sequences or draw an inference. The techniques of statistics, as a part of the general scientific method, may be summed up in three words, namely, Description, Comparison and Interpretation. It is by the application of techniques that the problems are studied such problems may relate to any phenomena such as Physical, Chemical, Biological, Social, Economic, Psychological, and Business etc. Therefore, the nature of statistics is not a science as a subject, but it is a method of application, which is called the scientific method of reasoning with facts to find ways to made decision which will help in solving problems.

The nature of statistics explains that the statistician using the methods are concerned with presentation and interpretation of chance outcomes that occurs in a planned study or a scientific investigation. And we may also look at its nature from the way it works, statistical methods are those procedures used in the collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. These methods belong to descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics comprises those statistical methods concerned with collecting and describing a set of data so as to yield meaningful information, such work involves things like construction of tables, charts, graphs and other relevant computations from the data taken from the various newspapers and from research organizations. 

The ultimate objectives in statistical studies is to make decisions and conclusions about a large set of data. Therefore, statistical inference comprises those methods concerned with the analysis of a subset of data leading to predictions or inferences about the entire set of data.


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