Types of Classification in Business Statistics
of statistical data is made on the basis of the characteristics possessed by
individuals in different groups of the units of the world.
There are two
classification on the descriptive characters.
classification on the numerical characters.
According to Attributes
This is same as
saying classification on descriptive basis. This type of classification can be
studied by the following methods.
1. Simple
2. Manifold
1. Simple Classification
We know, that
examples of descriptive are like study of friendship, love, poverty, liberty,
and sex. In simple classification, only one problem is selected and is
researched on, by dividing it into different subsection, or classes of two
groups only. For example, poverty problems are put in one group and others in
another group. If we want to study literacy then we put the group who are
literate in one class and others in another class of illiterate. Such
classification in which only one attribute is studied and the whole data is
divided into two parts, is known as simple classification.
2. Manifold Classification
As mentioned
above, sometimes it is required to study more than one problem or more than one
case. Here the whole data is divided into a number of classes. For example the
study of literacy sex wise, that is we are studying the literacy and also
studying the group of female and male sex, in order to know how is their
attainment of literacy. The data is classified as follows:
i. Male who are
literate i. Male who are
ii. Female who
are literate ii.
Female who are illiterate.
This division of
data, enables us to understand in especial the population of our country,
whether, the persons are literate amongst female or in male. If we compare the
present with the past, we will know the rate of improvement in literacy.
Therefore a classification where more than one attribute (case) is under study;
is known as manifold classification.
According to Class-Intervals
It is based on
data which has a direct quantitative measurement for example, age, income,
height, weight, etc., are capable of direct measurements. Instead of saying
those boys are tall and these other girls are short, means boys and girls are
classified in a particular class interval of heights like from 5’-5” to 5’-7”
are placed in one group and those of 5’-7” to 5’-9” are placed in another group
and so on: These groups of heights class intervals. From 5’-5” to 5’-7” is one
class interval where 5’-5” and 5’-7” are called the class limits. 5’-5” is the
lower class limit and 5’-7” is the upper class limit. The difference between
the upper class and the lower class limits is called class interval. The number
of items that come under any class-interval is called frequency.
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