The Dignity of Labour in Islam

In this world nothing can be had without labour. Infact it is labour and industry, which has contributed to the progress of civilization. Where would the world have been to day if no one had worked, certainly it would have been dark, unshaped heap of different objects. Due to the existence of labour now the world is in the beautiful shape.

Islam is the religion of nature it shows the perfect way of life. Labour has got lot of importance in Islam. In a tradition Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said “The Labour is the friend of God” it shows that how much importance Islam is giving to the Labour. Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) worked with his own hands. He loved to work with his own hands for himself and for others as well. When mosque at Madina was being built Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) along with his companions worked there Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) repaired his shoes and clothes with his own hands. He helped his wives in house hold works also. 

Hazrat Ali also liked to work for himself and for other with his own hands. Once he laboured in the garden of a Jew and gare away wages in charity. Hazrat Bibi Fatima the loving daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did his house hold work with her own hands. Her hands were injured during grinding the corn but she did not complain or asked for hiring servant. Hazrat Abu Bakar the dearest friend of Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) went to sell cloth in the market when he was caliph. He milked goats and fetched water for himself and for widows and other old persons who had no any person to work for them.

When Palestine was conquered the citizens of Palestine invited the Caliph Omar the Great to take over the charge of forte of Jerusalem by himself. When Hazrat Omar proceeded on journey to Jerusalem he took a slave with him and there was only one camel. It was decided by them that they will ride the camel by turns. When they were near the city the slave was on the back of camel while Caliph was taking camel by reins. Caliph Omer bin Abdul Aziz refused to hire a servant to help her wife in house hold work. When guests came to visit him he used to serve them himself at the table. Sultan Nasiruddin used to make caps for livelihood and he did to take any penny from govt treasury. All the saintly men used to share meal with their followers and guest. They also shared in work. All these examples show that labour is very important in the Islam. Holy Prophet, his followers and saintly men showed this by their deeds.

Islam is against the exploitation of workers. It is in favour of giving wages according to Labour done. Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said “Give wages to Labourer before his sweat is dried”. This tradition discourages the system of exploitation. Islam asks for the lawful earning. And the lawful earning in the eyes of Islam is that which is earned by the hard work, the person who earns his livelihood with Labour of his own is righteous person and rightness person is honourable before Allah almighty.


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