Status of Women in Islam

At the time of the dawn of Islam woman all over the world in degraded position and without any rights and was considered as non-entity. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, she has been asserting her rights in the western countries and has now been given certain political and economic rights. But Islam recognized Woman’s position fourteen hundred years ago and granted her, her due rights and privileges which are not enjoyed by woman in other faiths, systems and societies even in this modern computer age.

Islam recognizes woman as an equal and full partner to man. Both enjoy equal rights and undertake equal responsibilities. In holy Quran Allah says “O man kind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord, Who created you from a single soul and from it created it mate and from them twain has spread a multitude of men and woman” They are equal in nature and origin, as at an other place Quran says”. And God has given you mates of your own nature, and has given you from the children and grand children and has provided good things for you”.

In Islam woman enjoys absolute equality as a member of family unit. In certain ways her position as wife and as mother is unique and of great honour and distinction. As a wife she is the queen and mistress of the house hold and the status of the husband are determined by the way he treats her. Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said “The best amongst you is the one who is the best to his wife and I am the best among you to my family” At an other occasion he said “Among the believers who show most perfect faith are those who have the best disposition to and are kindest to their families”. In last sermon Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said “O people! Surely there are rights in favour of your women which are incumbent up on you and there are rights in favour of you which are incumbent upon them. Have there fore fear of God with regard to women and I enjoin you to treat them well” In the Holy Quran it is said “And they (women) have rights similar to those of men over them according to what is equitable.

In regard of marriage Islam has granted freedom of wish and will to woman the woman can refuse if she does not life approve the mate Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said “No widow should be married without consulting her and virgin be married without her assent and her assent is her silence”.

In Islam womans positions as mother is unique, she is the focus of all members of family. She enjoys great esteem and respect from all and all come to pay their respects. In a tradition Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said “Even Paradise lies beneath the feet of your mothers”.

Female children used to be buried by Arabs in pre-Islamic era. Islam stopped this practice and instead enjoined kind and fair treatment to girls. The prophet (peace be upon him) said “who ever has a daughter and does not bury her alive does no insult her and does not favour his son over her will be received by God into paradise.

Islam regards both man and woman as equal and promises equal rewards to them for their good deeds and Holy Quran says “O man kind! Lo! We have created you male and female. The noblest of you in the sight of God is the best in conduct.

Islam recognized woman’s right to inherit to have money and own property whether single or married, she can buy, sell, mortgage or lease any or all of her property she inherits any property including land or real estate from her parents, brothers and husbands, in Holy Quran it has been said “To men (of the family belongs a share of that which parent and near relatives leave and to woman a share of that which parent and near relatives leave, whether it be little or much-a determinate share. She keeps her property acquired before marriage and has no legal obligation to spend on her family out of her personal wealth, she is also entitled to a dowry from her husband, she may invest her property in any way she like or thinks best, she is quite independent and can keeps her maiden name and does not merge it after marriage with her husband as happen in western, African and Asian countries.

The above facts clearly show that the rights and duties of woman are equal not necessarily identical with those of man. In certain areas woman enjoys privileges denied to man. However the fact of being woman does in any way affect her human status or independent personality not does it justify and prejudice against her or injustice herself. Islam has granted woman rights and duties in a most balanced way that match and suit her functions in society and she is held in great esteem and honour in all her positions from childhood to motherhood. Over all position of woman is honourable and noble in the eyes of Allah as well as in the eyes of Islamic society.


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