Role of Newspaper in Our Developing Society - Essay

We are living in the age of communication and information explosion. The public media-Radio, Television and press are banging and hawling twenty four hours. The easy, cheap and quick means of communication have brought the distant corners of the world closer. We can say that world has shrunk; developing countries are in constant contact with the developed world. They are benefiting from their experiences.

The newspaper is the main organ of communication. It contains both news and views on matters of public and national importance. It now a day stands for mass communication it plays a versatile role in national life and in promoting international understanding and friendship. The newspapers enables the people to know about the happening and important events in the country, states and the world at large. The more advanced country is the more organized and powerful in the press. And the more educated and cultured are the people, the most they expect from the press, if developing societies want to march on the road of progress and prosperity they must have healthy press and newspaper. Because developing societies need advancement in all sectors of life and that would be possible through more education and knowledge and the newspapers are the best source of knowledge.

The newspapers are very important for developing society because they have great influence on national life. They express views on various matters. Social, political, economic, educational, recreationl and even religious. Thus they create guide, educate and shape public opinion. By raising their power full voice against any attempted invasion on people’s rights and liberties they act as the over watchful guardian of people.

Newspapers not only educate and enlighten public opinion but they also pay a role of educator by publishing comments, criticism and review on various branches of knowledge. The readers become conversant with the thought current of the world and it creates curiosity for knowledge and love of learning. Every thing is possible by knowledge and learning. The huge circulation of daily newspaper proves what immense responsibilities the newspapers have and brings out their versatile role in national life. In the third World and developing societies like Pakistan the newspapers have additional responsibility since the majority of the people are illiterate and camp followers, they depends up on the literate ones for their opinions on social issues and the press or the journalists have to play the role of guiding and molding the public opinion. The newspapers not only help the people to from opinions in political field, but also in other spheres of human activities. Thus the newspapers have great responsibility and social obligation in developing societies.

The information provided by newspaper has a great educative value for all. In its functioning the newspapers not only educates the thinking of the people but also guides and channelize thinking of people in right directions. Right and healthy functioning of democracy in developing countries depends on enlightened views and nature opinion of the people. The Demos must know what are their rights and duties and how toe exercise them without fear and favour. The electorate must known that vote is sacred trust and it must be exercised in the best interest of nation the present political chaos in the third world countries in general and Pakistan in particulars is due to ignorance and indolence of the masses. Newspapers needs to play their due role in order to run the democracy smoothly.


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