Essay on Natural Beauties that My Country Affords

My dear Home land Pakistan which came in to existence on 14th August 1947 as a result of partition of India on the basis of two nation theory is really a gift of God for we people. It is full of beautiful natural scenes.

God in His Bounty hath blessed Pakistan with great physical resources and charms, it is the land of Mighty Mountains, murmuring and gurgling rivers sparking, springs, deep and dense forests, lush green fields and meadows and rugged highlands and parch low lands.

For the lovers of nature Pakistan’s Northern Areas present a mighty feast of variety to the person who happens to visit these areas. The changing terrain and the topography, the snow covered peaks and the gorges mountains and valleys, table lands and terraces, rough and rugged tracks, the winding and narrow routes along the Malakand hills, the cataracts and the caynons, the riotous rivers, the thirst quenching springs, the brakes and the bushes, the sentinel like trees, chunar and people enter mixed with fruits orchids and well demarcated fields will capture imagination of visitor. Swat valley reminds the visitors of Switzerland. Like Swat Gilgit is also replete with the wealth of natural scenery. Among the mountains K-2 peak, the second highest is also in the Pakistan. There are glaciers in these mountains which provided excellent opportunities for winter sports. There are many beautiful lakes in the midst of high mountains. These famous lakes include the “Saif-ul-Malook” in Kaghan valley, ‘Saf Para’ and ‘Kachura’ lakes in Skardu.

In Punjab the land of five rivers there are beautiful places of Muree and Chhanga Manga, In Sindh the cradle of civilization there are beautiful mountains sceneries of Halar kachho and Karoonjhar, Thar the famous desert of Sindh also presents beautiful look with silver sand we can see dancing peacocks, running deers and creeping snakes there. There are famous beautiful lakes of Keenjhar and Manchhar. Along these there are beautiful sights of Arabian Sea coast. In Balouchistan we have beautiful sights of Quetta and Ziarat.
These are the natural beauties which my country can afford. They are worth loving and seeing.


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