Essay on Female Education

The history of progress of the human race is the history of education. Hence it is necessary for every person, man or woman, to be educated. Women should be educated like men, otherwise there can be no real progress and half of the population will remain illiterate.

Napoleon was once asked what the greatest need of France was. He answered, “Motherland’s National progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers”. If the women in any country are not educated, about half the people in that country will be ignorant. The result is that such a country will not be able to go along with other nations in development and progress. Education teaches a woman what she should be.

An educated lady will be a good friend, a clever nurse and useful adviser to her husband. She will be a true helpmate. She can retain her husband’s affection and regards. An uneducated lady is always unable to share in his interests.

There is a saying in English, “the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world”. The meaning in this is that the mother exercises a very great influence over the lines of her children and is able to mould their thoughts and characters. If she is educated, she will make such an impression on the mind of her child, that will enable him in later life to grow into a good and great man.

Thus education will enable females to make their parents, husbands and children truly happy. Consequently it is very important that females should be educated.


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